Essentials of Adopting a Minimalist Lifestyle
Before we begin, let’s do a little exercise. Look at your wallet. Do you see a lot of things there that you don’t really need? If that’s a yes, then fret not because you’re not the only one.
Many of us are used to keeping a lot of things even if we don’t really have the chance to use them often or not at all. We keep things because we want them to be there when we need them, even if needing them means using the item once in a blue moon. Thus, the concept of minimalism might be something foreign to us.
Minimalism has generated a buzz over the past years, with more people discovering it and trying to switch to such a lifestyle. It is characterized by getting rid of unnecessary attachments to material things and concentrating on things that truly matter.
There have been a lot of myths about minimalism. One of them is that you have to get rid of everything unnecessary when you turn into a minimalist, even if it still gives you joy. Well, it’s time to quash that myth because minimalism is not like that.
Minimalism still maintains a good balance that keeps your heart smiling. The heart of this philosophy can focus on yourself and not the things you want to own.
If you’re looking at switching into a minimalist lifestyle, here are some tips that can help you get by:
Think Before You Act
Before you begin throwing out everything you think is unnecessary, you’ll need to give yourself time to think. Try to evaluate everything that you possess before you get rid of “unnecessary” things.
For example, you have some clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time, and you don’t see using them in the future, then you can discard them. But for clothes that you are unsure about and feel like there’s a possibility that you will be using them, you can tuck them in neatly.
Don’t throw away anything that you still find significance in. If you find yourself compulsively throwing out everything, take some time to breathe and think before deciding on it.

Get Organized
If you look around and see many things, perhaps, you need to get more organized. When things are just lying around and not where they should be, the more space, it will take up and the more chaos you can see.
If your room is full of clutter, then you can start by organizing your stuff. Get some storage boxes and vacuum bags, classify things you will use and you will not use. For things, you think you won’t be using, place them under your bed or store them in your garage. If you don’t have storage space, let a friend (with extra space) keep it for you or rent a storage space.
When your things are organized, it will be easier to evaluate and look for things you can actually use. Thus, the key to a minimalist lifestyle is being organized.
Don’t Be Compulsive When Shopping
Who doesn’t love sales, right? We love them too, but just because things are at a discounted price doesn’t mean you need them. Many of us tend to buy things on sale because we think we get them for a discounted price.
But if you think about it, when you have an item on sale that is on sale but don’t really need it, then it’s not a discount you got. Instead, you are made to buy something you don’t actually need. Therefore, it’s just another expense.
In a world defined by high fashion and a few-clicks shopping, the temptation is lurking everywhere. So before you go ahead with that purchase, ask yourself, “Am I really going to need that?”
Don’t Be Too Frugal
Remember that being a minimalist is centered on wasting less money and decluttering your home.
For example, buy new jeans you saw at your favourite shop vis a vis buying a new dress and shoes for a special event. You don’t need the new jeans so it won’t make sense if you buy them, but buying the new dress and shoes is justifiable because you will be going to a special event.
You don’t have to be too frugal. Don’t deny yourself the pleasures that can actually add joy and value to your life. The only key there is to learn how to control yourself.
When you decide to switch to a minimalist lifestyle, here are three questions to guide you in deciding what to keep and what not to keep.
1. Does this bring joy to my life?
You’ve probably heard of this line from the famous Marie Kondo. It’s a question you ask yourself when trying to decide whether to keep or discard an item. But this is just the first question. If your answer is yes, ask yourself question #2:
2. How much joy will this bring, and for how long?
Your answer to question 1 might be yes, but how long will it be able to bring you joy? Does it make you ecstatic for just a day, or do you see it bringing joy to you long into the future?
Even if things add joy to your life, it doesn’t necessarily mean it adds value to it. So it would help if you asked yourself the next question.
3. What is the real value of this?
The real value determines the real value of something it gives to the life you’re trying to lead. A pair of Nikes might inspire you to run more, thus making it more valuable. Purchasing a new Karakoram2 slim wallet will help you carry only the important stuff and help you live a simpler and more focused life.
Living a minimalist lifestyle doesn’t mean letting go of things that actually give joy and value to your life. It is about focusing on things that matter. Sometimes, we are too caught up in the quantity that we forget to give value to the quality. Like what they always say, less is more, and a minimalist lifestyle is a testament to that.